In 2017, Colleen Falicki founded Back to Earth Compost Crew as a steward of the environment working to keep food scraps out of landfills and making the world a better place for generations to come.
We offer easy to use home/office/restaurant/catering food scrap pick up in Suburban Philadelphia.
Looking to compost in your yard? We also offer compost education and consults. Email us at
With 30-40% of the food supply ending up in landfills it is imperative that we make a change to our old systems. Back to Earth Compost Crew will be your partner as you change old habits or add to your current green habits.
Curbside Compost Pick-up Service
is every other week.
Click on Get Started to begin your free trial.
Our home food scrap buckets are 5 gallons in volume with an easy on & off lid.
What can go in my bucket?
Yes! We will schedule a convenient time to discuss your food scrap pick-up needs.
At this time, we do not sell compost, however we offer it to our curbside pick-up customers in the spring & fall.
We will schedule a time to meet with you to determine what size bucket/container as well as a convenient pick-up time.
Yes! These items can be composted... if they can fit in your bucket(s):
PLEASE NO meat, bones, dairy, produce stickers, rubber bands, twist ties, coated cardboard, junk mail or plastics.
We CANNOT accept bio bags or any type of plastic-like materials--even when marked compostable.
Please email us at if you have any questions!